Welcome to Arveah’s Care Homes, LLC
We are an established limited liability company with the California Secretary of State (LLC# 201929110521) and a licensed residential care facility with the California Department of Social Services (ARF# 392700879; RCFE pending).
We are committed to this mission, vision, and values:
- Mission: Provide personal care and services that promotes wellness, independence, and increased quality of life by supporting consumers through any limitations caused by disability and/or aging.
- Vision: Be the vehicle for vulnerable consumers to attain and maintain a home away from home and to make impactful contributions by supporting other business owners who are aspiring to join the community care industry.
- Values: Deliver personalized services with integrity, verity, and transparency, and it is supported by honoring each other’s ideas, nurturing relationships, having gratitude for the opportunities we are given to serve others, and our oath to practice within our business and professional ethics.